News from the blog 2020-08-10

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  • Atlassian tells employees they can work from home indefinitely. Which is nice and follow the steps of other giants before.

This new scenario challenges the old companies and is driving to some internal tensions in the companies that resist to allow employees to freely Remote Work.

  • I published this script to read the combined bandwidth, and peak max, from all drives.

  • I got new sales of my book in LeanPub and I’ve to say that this really makes me happy

I’ve been working in adding new information and I released a new update this week, the version 0.77. Talking about mutable and immutable objects when passing to a function, and references.

  • Bought new books and resumed my routines to study daily in the Coffee Shop (recently open)
  • I bought some new hardware
    • An Arm to support the laptop and a Vesa Monitor. That’s my Desk, actually

It is exactly this model:

  • I bought also an HDMI switch with 3 inputs and PinP
The most cool feature is the PinP. Is a simple model with reduced but does what I wanted perfectly and cheap. Worth the price.
  • I bought also this Mic/headphone USB dondle with a single jack. Very cool
Does exactly what I wanted, adding a new device. I’m using on a Windows 10 Enterprise box.
  • I’ve bought a static bicycle for the WFH / lockdown covid-19.
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