News of the blog 2021-08-16
First Published: .
- I completed my ZFS on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS book.
I had an error in an actual hard drive so I added a Troubleshooting section explaining how I fixed it. - I paused for a while the advance of my book Python: basic exercises for beginners, as my colleague Michela is translating it to Italian. She is a great Engineer and I cannot be more happy of having her help.
- I added a new article about how to create a simple web Star Wars game using Flask.
As always, I use Docker and a Dockerfile to automate the deployment, so you can test it without messing with your local system.
The code is very simple and easy to understand.

- I added a new article about migrating some Services from Amazon AWS EC2 to Digital Ocean using Docker, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Apache, PHP, MySQL.
- I added a new article about displaying a web page in PHP with the published Articles and Post Views from a WordPress Database.
- I did some changes to the web, for these changes I used my local Docker clone of Production, plus a MySQL query like:
mysql> UPDATE wp_options set option_value='blog.carlesmateo.local' WHERE option_name='siteurl'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
This way I set an entry in /etc/hosts and I can do all the tests I want.
- I added a new section to the blog, is a link where you can see all the articles published, ordered by number of views.

Is in the main page, just after the recommended articles.
Here you can see the source code.
- I removed the Categories:
- Storage
- Storage
- In favor of:
- Hardware
- Storage
- Storage
- Hardware
- So the articles with Categories in the group deleted were reassigned the Categories in the second group.
- Visually:
- I removed some annoying lines from the Quick Selection access.
They came from inherited CSS properties from my WordPress, long time customized, and I created new styles for this section. - I adjusted the line-height to avoid separation between lines being too much.
- I removed some annoying lines from the Quick Selection access.
- I added a link in the section of Other Engineering Blogs that I like, to the great site, author of many super cool WordPress plugins.
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