News from the blog 2021-09-07

First Published: .
  • Blocking Ip addresses in the firewall

I’ve been blocking entire ranges from Cloud Providers, as some of their Ip’s were being used to try to hack/abuse the blog.

After some time blocking individual Ip’s, I opted for being some more effective and blocking /24 (the class C for the offending Ip).

If you work for a CSP and you can’t see my blog from your range, this is the reason.

  • I have updated my two Python books.

For Python 3 simple exercises for beginners I’ve added this new content:

v.0.29 and v.0.28 Python 3 Simple Exercises for Beginners
Added a new section Games, with a first game “Guess my number”

Provided a solution for the recipe Exercise 3: Create a function that will ask a user for a number from Keyboard input, and return the result, only when the value is between the accepted ranges.

Added two new questions to the Quiz section.

Fixed a docstring in Recipes Exercise 4, referring to a String return value which it was an Integer.

Added an exercise for retrieving a JSON with your public Ip

Added a new exercise for converting bytes to kilobytes with two decimal positions.

Added a new exercise / recipe to SSH to a Server with Username and Password and execute a command, using the Paramiko library.

For Python 3 Combat Guide I have added this new content:

v.1.02 Python 3 Combat Guide

Added a new exercise / recipe to SSH to a Server with Username and Password and execute a command using Paramiko library. I added two examples executing commands uptime and df -h /

Show an alternative way to run Flask apps.

Added new interesting packages.

As long as covid is active I plan to keep the minimum price of each of my books at the minimum accepted by LeanPub which is USD $5.

I also enable bundles and enable LeanPub to make punctual discounts to make them even more affordable to humble pockets.

  • I’m going to teach an initiation to programming class, a live Zoom session of 1 hour, plus 15 minutes for questions, for Free. It will be a very basic starting class for absolute beginners.

It will be performed at a time around 19:00 Irish time, wich is 11:00 AM in Irivine, CA time, to maximize the opportunities for people to assist.

If you would like to join, write me an email:

There are not many spots available, but if there is no room for you this time I may contact you for the next time.

This version adds class StringUtils, and a set of methods to perform different useful tasks with Strings, like converting a number to the biggest unit with sense, like a large number of bytes to PB, a smaller one to TB, or GB, MB, KB, justifying strings to the right or to the left, and cap the number of chars to a specified one, etc…

I have many libraries that I’ve been building across the years, and I’m liberating them as Open Source, as soon as I have time to make sure that are compatible with Python 3.5 or superior (and with Python 2.6 when possible), and I have time to add a decent Unit Testing Code Coverage.

I try to release libraries that have no other dependencies. After that I’ll start releasing my libs that have dependencies, like to work with MySQL, SQLite, web scrapping, etc…

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