2021-12-22 News from the blog

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Open Source

I released my Python Open Source libraries for rapid application development: carleslibs to v. 1.0.3.

I updated the page of my 2013 PHP Framework Catalonia Framework, linking to the blog. This is a very nice and lightweight PHP Framework that I created then and it worked so well that I had not the need to update it since 2014.


Blizzard offered to the employees the opportunity to donate in the name of Blizzard, up to USD $100. It has not been the first time, is a regular thing. Also in the past the company matched any donation we employees did, to help diversity will less resources to study in the university.

I chose to donate to Lions in Cork, Ireland.

When they lived, my grand parents were members and donors from Lion’s in Catalonia, so I trust them.


Log4j Java vulnerability

A critical vulnerability named Log4Shell was found in Apache Log4j Java Open Source logging Library.


The fix has been already released in v. 2.15.0 https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/security.html

NSO zero-click iPhone exploit

An interesting read about NSO zero-click iPhone exploit: https://www.engadget.com/google-researchers-nso-zero-click-iphone-imessage-exploit-143213776.html


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